Friday, December 31, 2010

Hopes for the New Year!

Definintely no resolutions! I always fail at resolutions. But what I do hope for is happiness, health, fun times with my kids, finally being able to say I am out of DEBT, a 10-year wedding anniversary, time quilting, baking and hopefully getting together with friends!

What do I hope for this little place of mine on the web. I'm not really sure. But I do hope that it will help me to show my creativity, share my baking & cooking wins and catastrophes and share my imperfect house that we live in and call home.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Let me introduce myself...

Hello my name is Wendy. I am a mom of 3 amazing little boys. My oldest turns in a few short days. My middle guy is 6 and my youngest well he is 4-1/2 going on 16. I have been married for 8 (almost 9) years.

My house is not perfect, nor do I claim that it is! I try to keep it up, but sometimes life just gets in the way and the toilets get put on hold.

I do enjoy baking...although my waistline does not.

I enjoy quilting, sewing and generally most crafts. I am not a scrapbooker, never have been, can't really get into it. I haven't even done a very good job at keeping track of milestones for my kiddos. I have pictures of them, but well, jotting them down in a book hasn't been my thing.

Why the name Snowflakes and Shortcakes? Not sure, but it had a nice ring to it. And it kind of relates and fits in with me.
